Sunday, June 13, 2010

Le croix de Nivolet

Okay, Mom, just don't look and don't read this! We hiked for the longest time up the mountain that overlooks Chambéry. Behind me, the le lac du Bourget, the largest natural lake in France. (Also, home to the coldest water Ive ever swum in.) Literally, sheer drop offs along the trail that you can choose to stand on (or not) and some even climbed! Leslie, you would have loved it! Was a long day, ended with a peaceful trainride home through the pretty.
Today, CANYONING. I have no idea what all this entails, but Mom you probably don`t want to read tomorrow`s post either! Two words to perk your interest....Wetsuits & Rappelling!!!! Can`t wait for class to be over today! Everyone take care and know I love and miss you.


  1. wow!
    There are so many beautiful sites in Euorope, but none prettier than the ones with my wife in them!
    Love Ya
